Thank You NHS, Thank You Key Workers!

Our Office and Industrial site teams are loving our new ‘Thank You NHS’ fence covers on our sites from Thurrock to Rugby to Bristol, to show our appreciation for everything the NHS are doing for us all during these difficult times.

A big thanks to Monster Mesh who donated 20% of our total order value to Captain Tom Moore’s walk for the NHS!

Captain Tom Moore, had the goal of walking a hundred lengths of his back garden (25m in length) before his 100th Birthday on 30th April, in order to raise money for the NHS Charities Together. So far, Captain Tom has surpassed his target of £1,000 and has fundraised in excess of £24 million, and has captured the hearts and minds of the nation- What a hero!

Thank You NHS, Thank You Key Workers! Thank You Captain Tom Moore- and Happy 100th Birthday!

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