Pexhurst is currently involved in a total of five projects of varying size and complexity over the summer period at the University of Hertfordshire. These range from the formation of a new cable route through the universities Film, Music and Media Building (FMM) to a complete refurbishment of a busy Computer Science Corridor.
Although the University is not at peak capacity over the summer months and hence undertakes a lot of refurbishment work, there are still challenges to overcome.
Working in the busy Computer Science Corridor Pexhurst is having to liaise daily with the Faculty staff to ensure that the disruption to them is at a minimum. Working in an occupied corridor when trying to decorate and install ceilings is not easy and requires precise timing and excellent supervision by our on-site team. We have one of our most experienced site managers, Mr Mark Loveday, working at the University to that end.
Pexhurst is about to commence a redecoration and refurbishment project in the engineering corridors, comprising of redecoration and installation of new flooring, which will also be in use by the faculty and administration teams whilst we are working.