New Apprentice Intake Complete

We are pleased to welcome this year’s new apprentice intake onto the Pexhurst Apprenticeship Program. Danny Beadle and Charlie Hazeltine will work on our sites under the wing of experienced Pexhurst Site Manager’s.

Part of the program involves attending attend college 1 day a week to gain construction qualifications. The Pexhurst Apprenticeship is led by Director, Nick Tagliarini and Managing Director, Martin Vella. Working closely together with Pexhurst’s apprentices they provide full support through general and technical mentoring to ensure the Apprenticeship Program has the best chances of achieving success, both for the individuals as well as Pexhurst.

As documented by the CITB, the entire construction sector will need to employ 230,000 new workers by 2020 to meet the current skills gap. Time is running out!

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