National Apprenticeship Week 2023

The 6th – 12th February 2023 marks the 16th annual National Apprenticeship Week (NAW). At Pexhurst, we’ve been running an apprenticeship programme for several years as a core part of our talent strategy. We’ve seen the true benefits and success it brings our company, and the young people who are developing their careers with us.

To ensure apprenticeship programmes are successful, both parties should be committed to the other. By ensuring we take on apprentices that have a strong desire to learn about the industry and the work we do, we are setting ourselves up for success rather than failure. Apprenticeship schemes go some way to filling the huge skills shortage that currently faces the UK’s construction and property industry. They are a great way for companies like ours to encourage fresh talent to join the industry and develop life-long careers.

We recently caught up with Trainee Site Manager, Jake Palmer to find out more about his time with us…

1. Describe your role at Pexhurst and what are you studying towards?

I am a Trainee Site Manager at Pexhurst, and I am studying towards an NVQ level 3 Team Leader/Supervisor (Built Environment).

2. Why did you choose the apprenticeship route, and how do you find the balance of studying and work?

I chose the apprenticeship route as it suits my hands-on personality and approach! I like being involved with live projects and learning from experienced managers in an active environment, alongside the bonus of earning whilst I learn. I find the balance of studying and work accommodating, if I need to take an hour or two to do some coursework, I am able to do that with no issues thanks to the support from my team around me.

3. How important is it to work for an employer that supports your learning and development?

It is extremely important as I am at a very early stage in my career – learning bundles of different things every day. Having an employer that will support that learning, taking time to guide me through things I don’t understand and ensuring I get the most out of my training is very helpful for my development.

4. What part of your job is the most challenging and which part do you enjoy the most?

I think the hardest part of the job is the early starts! And the part I enjoy the most are the never-ending opportunities to learn new things, and that feeling of happiness when you solve a problem, and a plan comes together.

5. What advice would you give to others who are considering an apprenticeship in the construction industry?

The advice I would give to others who are considering joining the industry would be to stay keen, be positive and ultimately work hard and soak in as much information as you can!

If you are interested in Pexhurst’s bespoke apprenticeship scheme, contact Director Nick Tagliarini with your CV to find out more:

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