Mental Health Remains a Priority

Every year, on the 10th September organisations and communities around the world come together to support and raise awareness of World Suicide Prevention Day. Following an incredibly challenging few years, Samaritans are trying to reduce the stigma around suicide and are urging people to look out for each other.

Over the past few months, Pexhurst have been carrying out Mental Health Tool Box Talks across all of our live sites using professional occupational health and safety consultants, Safety Services UK. The consultants discussed mental health issues with our delivery teams, outlined the support available to them and suggested ways in which they could look after their mental health.

Alan Bridge, Associate Director and trained Mental Health Champion, said: “The spotlight falls once again on the construction industry in the run up to World Suicide Prevention Day as government statistics show suicide amongst those working in skilled construction and building trades remains higher than any other occupational group in 2020.”

“We hope to change the narrative and ensure mental health remains a priority in our business. We know everyone can be affected by mental health issues which can seem invisible because they affect a person’s psychological and emotional well-being. The Tool Box Talks encourage workers to share stories and discuss their mental health issues, which, if left unresolved, can lead to destructive behaviors like thoughts of suicide, self-harm and attempted suicide.”

Discussions that took place during the site visits included how construction was still viewed as having a ‘macho’ culture and the outdated phrase to ‘just get on with it’ often stopped men in particular asking for help. Workers talked about feelings of isolation and loss of communication as a result of the pandemic. They opened up about how the pandemic impacted their families too, with the pressures associated with online teaching and fears about their children’s’ reduced social skills as a result of successive lockdowns. The cost-of-living crisis was also discussed and the increased burden it is placing on everyone.

Penny Dew, Finance Director and another of our Mental Health Champions, said: “The Mental Health Tool Box Talks ran hand in hand with our usual Health and Safety Inspections that take place frequently across all of our live sites. Health and Safety Reports are then fed back to our delivery teams so that we can improve performance across the entire business. We are dedicated to supporting our employees and ensuring mental health is a top priority alongside worker safety on our sites.”

“We will continue to encourage our workers to look after their mental health and provide them with the vital tools to do so. Talking is a valuable tool in supporting mental health and ensuring that people do not feel alone with their thoughts and fears, often we are all struggling with the same worries and concerns. It helps to voice them so that we as a business can offer support and advice, and provide guidance where it is needed the most,” she concludes.

Remember, you are not alone. If you’re struggling, you can contact Samaritans any time of the day or night by phoning 116 123 or emailing

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