CIC 2050 Group Survey Highlights Inspiring Construction Industry

The Construction Industry Council (CIC) 2050 Group has published the results of its national online survey to find out if people are satisfied working in the industry and what inspires them. It sought views on four key themes: attitudes to the industry; progress on sustainability; social media; innovation.

The overall response was overwhelmingly positive to working in construction with 83% saying they are proud to work in the industry and 55% believe theirs is an inspiring job. However, the survey highlights a number of areas where improvements could be made:

• Attitudes – only 33% are inspired by the achievements of their organisation on diversity; adoption of flexible working practices would ensure the industry continues to appeal to both sexes.

• Sustainability – not enough is being done to improve environmental sustainability and reuse and refit of existing buildings is seen as important.

• Social Media – use of social media could be better and could help with some of the key communication challenges for the industry.

• Innovation – materials, ICT and prefabrication provide scope for further innovation. BIM is seen as an important tool for further innovation but not the only domain.

The survey report concludes that there are a number of areas that need improvement but the current challenges, including technology and sustainability, present great opportunities for innovation.

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