Main contractor, Pexhurst, recently completed the internal refurbishment of the 27th floor at St Mary’s Axe.
Tower Properties SARL
Project Manager:
TFT Consultants LLP
Gherkin, St Mary Axe, London
8 Weeks
Pexhurst carried out a complete adaptation to the floorplan as requested by the client, Tower Properties. This included the formation of new curved corridors, creating two demises. Each of which was given a refreshed look to complete the modernisation of the space.
As part of the project works, a series of mechanical and electrical services were updated for the client. These included a revised lighting layout, updated fire alarm and sprinkler layout. Fire protection was implemented above and below partitions and the floor was finished with new finishes and decorations.
Specialist acoustic protection was installed during the project, to ensure the other floors were completely undisturbed by the work conducted. This equipment was subsequently removed on completion and will be re-used on future projects.