Helping the wider team take their first steps on their journey to Net Zero

Keen to encourage employees to embrace sustainability, we recently introduced workshops to help members in the team take the first vital steps on the journey towards net zero.

From jargon-busting and helping the team fully understand the key environmental issues through to detailing the importance of the circular economy and providing clear pathways towards reducing carbon footprints, the workshops were led by Pexhurst’s Sustainability Partners and in-house Sustainability Coordinator, Luca Sidoli.

These highly educational and informative workshops give all employees the chance to contribute towards real change, whether that’s helping to transition to an improved business model with this agenda at the forefront or improving efficiency in operations and adopting low carbon or green technologies.

Aside from helping every member of the team to gain a deeper understanding of net zero targets and what they can do to reduce their environmental impact at work, these workshops could ultimately have a knock-on effect on the built environment as a whole.

Indeed, expanding knowledge and understanding can help individuals and companies become more sustainable, an increasingly important factor as the construction industry gears up toward the Future Buildings Standard regulations.

The workshops have been incredibly successful, with participants highlighting the expertise and skills gained as a result of the insightful and engaging courses. In fact, one of Pexhurst’s Site Managers said: “The course will really help me when I’m working on BREEAM or Considerate Constructors Scheme projects and will hopefully help me in achieving a higher grade, as well as give me a better understanding of the sustainability agenda more generally.”  

Sustainability Coordinator Luca Sidoli highlighted the importance of educating all staff on the vital role they can all play in helping reduce carbon emissions and the construction industry’s environmental impact.

He said: “These workshops are proving to be incredibly popular and successful. Everyone gets so much out of them, and the team have really embraced learning about their environmental impact and what they can do to reduce it.

“Plenty of ideas are shared and everyone really gets involved. With the environmental agenda being more important now more than ever, it’s crucial that employees take their first steps on the journey towards net zero – and these workshops are a great way of doing exactly that.”

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